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April 21, 2022
Enoch Tetteh

When is the best time to plant?

When is the best time to plant?


Plant: a living organism of the kind exemplified by trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, ferns, and mosses, typically growing in a permanent site, absorbing water and inorganic substances through its roots, and synthesizing nutrients in its leaves by photosynthesis using the green pigment chlorophyll.

We tend to forget the importance of plants and often take them for granted. You may think there is nothing much to the plants and trees that are around us every day but they are vital for life and our long-term survival. Plants are an essential resource - we rely on them for food, water, medicine, the air we breathe, our climate and more. But planting is also the verb of planting our seeds in the soil and hoping for best plant growth and crop yield.

In Ghana we are now getting in to a core part of the agricultural calendar: the planting season. Whilst the planting season is commencing, we entreat all farmers to run a soil test before planting. It is essential to help you to understand the nutrients in your soil and what you need to add, it will help you save time and money. It is also the essential first step in planning your nutrient budget (read more about that here). The purpose of this article is to consider when the best time to plant your seeds is. Establishing a seed planting calendar is one of the oldest and wisest farming maxims. The success of many vegetable and crop sowing is getting the seed started at the right time of the year for germination, growing, and harvesting.

Planting vegetables at the right time will greatly enhance your harvest.

Before You Start Planting

Before you think about planting it is very important to think about what you are planting your seeds into. This is the soil! If the soil is not ready to receive the seeds properly, then there will never be the best chances to get the best yield.

Key things to remember before planting:

  • Make sure your seedbed is prepared
  • Make sure your soil has been tested and you know what nutrients are required throughout the growing season
  • Make sure you have applied Calciprill® or another form of agricultural lime to ensure that soil acidity will not be a limiting factor
  • Make sure you are using the right seeds: improved Hybrids or OPV varieties
  • Make sure your seeds are treated with inoculant (either Rizoliq® for soy or Eco-T® for maize)


Maize should be planted around 2 weeks after the rains have established. We wait for the rains to establish themselves properly because the soil needs to have a certain level of moisture to allow for proper seed development. Nevertheless, you can take steps to increase the resilience of your seeds by using the right seed varieties and treating maize seeds with Eco-T to ensure proper germination and growth.

Field experiments were conducted to determine the optimum time for planting maize in the various ecological zones of Ghana in order to achieve good yields. Initial data showed that:

  • at Kwadaso in the forest zone, mid- March planting gave the best yield
  • In the forest savanna mosaic zone, mid-March and mid-April planting gave top yields, the results at these dates not being significantly different from each other.
  • Late-May to mid-June planting was found best for conditions in the guinea savanna zone,
  • In the coastal savanna planting in the 2nd-3rd week of April showed best results. In many cases planting 2 weeks early or late, relative to the optimum date, led to 40-55% losses in crop yield.

Learn more about maize here.

Soy Bean

Plant soybean early, once rains have established.

Planting soybean’s early in the season can help maximize grain yields. Early planting leads to a longer growing season which can increase the number of flowering nodes on the soybean main stem. More flowers lead to more pods, more seeds, and increased grain at harvest. Benefits of early planting include a larger canopy earlier in the growing season, which can help conserve soil moisture and reduce competition from weeds. Planting should occur once the summer rains have established.

The most important thing to consider with soy planting is to ensure that the seeds are treated with inoculant. Multiple studies have shown that the best investment that any soy farmer can make in his or her farm is to buy inoculant. Please contact one of our agronomists urgently to get your Rizoliq®, an inoculant that can help you with the growth of your soybean.

Learn more about soybean here.


Warm-season vegetables require a minimum soil planting temperature of  (10°C). The optimal soil planting temperature for tropical crops is  (16°C). These crops do best when the air and soil temperatures reach  (18-30°C). Most tropical vegetables require at least (24°C) for minimum growth.

Tropical vegetables can be classified as tender and very tender.



Sweet corn

Snap beans






Sweet potatoes


Tender vegetables should be planted 1-2 weeks before very tender vegetables. Remember that a lot of vegetables need to be nursed and the nursery needs shade and regular watering (but should not be over-watered).

Log on to for more information of your crops.


This leads us to our final paragraph of this blog. As you can see there are many resources and times needed to be accounted for to grow your crops.

Hopefully this blog has given you the insight you to deliver a good yield. However if you have any questions please do get in touch with us at Demeter at 0245297049 or at We have well equipped and trained agronomy team that understand the plant that you can rely on.

Get your soil tested so we can create custom blends for your soil type.

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